A Village of Villages: The Next Chapter of the Affiliate Program

by Chrystal Smith

When I started Foster Village, I never could have anticipated the journey it would lead us on. While I always wanted to see generational cycles transformed, I started with what I knew: our local community and the needs of local families.

But quickly, it became clear the need was greater than Austin, Texas.

Vulnerable children are in communities around the country, which means we must be too.

We weren’t the only ones who saw this need for wider reach.

Individuals and organizations began reaching out to us asking how they could get a Foster Village in their town or city.

Because we value community and stewardship, rather than creating a large, centralized nonprofit, we chose to help these individuals learn about the Foster Village model and start their own local 501c3 organizations under the Foster Village brand.

We launched our first affiliate in Charlotte, North Carolina in 2017, and as word got out and communities were being transformed, the interest grew.

Over the last few years, we began to see that this was bigger than a few individuals – it needed to become a core part of our mission and work.

With the help of this generous community, we are proud to launch the next generation of the Foster Village Affiliate Program, where we train, equip, and empower passionate people around the country to start their own Foster Village chapter in their community.

As part of this program, affiliates get in-person training on the Foster Village model; online training and resources on marketing, operations, fundraising, and more; coaching from our team; and guidance through the incorporation process.

We also create a website for each affiliate and provide them with branded assets, shared services, and tools, ensuring we work together as a “village of villages,” though we are all independent nonprofits. 

Not only will our affiliates be getting premier training in the Foster Village model and how to run and grow a nonprofit, but this sets us up to actively recruit new locations at a pace we never have before.

Our goal is to eventually have a Foster Village in every community where there is a need, and you have made this possible. THANK YOU!

Not only have your gifts helped meet immediate needs in the community, but they have been an investment in the future.

We are seeing your generosity be multiplied as the seed you planted grows into a beautiful garden of hope for children all over the country.

Next month, I’ll share a little bit more about the INCREDIBLE impact your investment is already making. Together, we are creating a village – many villages – beyond the system and empowering generations of vulnerable children and families to overcome adversity.

With sincere gratitude,
Chrystal Smith









“We had been running our own foster care support organization and experienced what it was like to do this work on our own -- it's not easy! Working as part of the Foster Village Family doesn't even compare! The program development from Foster Village, Inc., the brainstorming amongst other affiliates, the support from others who are doing this same hard work – it all goes unmatched.

Being able to focus on the true needs of our community and having the ability to be the hands and feet of Equipping, Connecting, and Advocating for our families is made so much easier because of the work Foster Village, Inc. does on the front end for our locations.

It truly is a privilege to work as part of the Foster Village Affiliate Program, and we are thankful for the work Foster Village, Inc. does for us.”

- Casey Holly, Foster Village North Texas