Our Village of Volunteers: Featuring Kelly Wofford

by Caitlynn Lopez

How did you get connected to Foster Village? 

Found out about you networking in my community!

Why did you decide to jump in at Foster Village?

My husband was in foster care as an infant and was adopted at 3 yrs old. His foster care experience really created some core memories that he talks about still to this day 50 yrs later. I wanted to give back in the same way in any way I could to support this mission!

What is a moment or story that has stuck out to you while volunteering?

I took my first care package as a volunteer to a mom who had been reunited with her 4 kids that very same day, and the resources, supplies, food, equipment etc the Foster Village provided her to set her up for success was amazing to me. She was so grateful and her kids were just too cute. It made the volunteer mission very real!

What are you learning by volunteering and being connected at Foster Village?

The vision of bringing dignity back to the foster care system, and how MUCH the village does!